Mixins~ Design patterns ~


A mixin is a set of helpers that we can inherit. In the world of JavaScript, this is often an object that we merge with another one. The power of the mixins comes from the fact that we may combine many of them. By default in JavaScript, we can inherit from only one class. This creates limitations. The mixins don't have such problems because we can apply multiple to a single object.

Let's look at the following car engine case.

function Car() {
  this.speed = 50;
function engineMixin(obj) {
  return Object.assign(obj, {
    forward() { console.log(`forward ${this.speed} km/h`); },
    backward() { console.log(`backward ${this.speed} km/h`); },
function extrasMixin(obj) {
  return Object.assign(obj, {
    horn() { console.log("Beeeeeeeep!"); },

If we create a car (via new Car() statement), we will get just an object with a speed property. However, if we pass the car to engineMixin and extrasMixin mixins, we will enhance the car's API with three new methods.

const car = extrasMixin(engineMixin(new Car()));
car.forward(); // forward 50 km/h
car.horn(); // Beeeeeeeep!
car.backward(); // backward 50 km/h

We have to use this pattern wisely. The common problems of the mixins are with the dependencies management, level of complexity, and name clashing. If a team decides to adopt the mixin pattern, the developers need to create conventions to avoid such issues.